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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Crimson Tide

Many of you would have seen the movie "Crimson Tide", by far, one of the greatest movies of all time with intense drama and strong character play. While this being just another movie, it does teach us few great lessons - 1. Never assume anything. 2. Self awareness- know thyself, 3. Control over ones temper, 4. Decisions made viscerally than logically, do work - reach for you heart sometimes when a tough decision is to be made.

Please check out the link, it displays all of the above virtues that eventually save the war that was just about to happen. The conversation is emotionally charging and intense yet the message is very strong and clear. I saw this video in one of my meetings and was highly impressed not to mention the movie is brilliant .

For those who want to know what happened about the message on launching the missiles, check the link below.

Anybody can become angry, that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way, that is not within everybody’s power, that is not easy.” Aristotle



Capt. Ramsey: We have orders in-hand. Those orders are to make a preemptive launch. Every second that we lose increases the chances that by the time our missiles arrive, their silos could be empty because they've flown their birds and struck us first.

Hunter: Yes sir.

Capt. Ramsey: You know as well as I do that any launch order received without authentication, is no order at all.

Hunter: Yes sir.

Capt. Ramsey: That's our number one rule.

Hunter: National mil—

Capt. Ramsey: And that rule is the basis for the scenario we've trained on, time and time again. It's a rule we follow without exception.

Hunter: Captain, National Military Command Center knows what sector we're in. They have satellites looking down on us to see if our birds are aloft and if they're not, then they give our orders to somebody else. That's why we maintain more than one sub, it's what they call 'redundancy'.

Capt. Ramsey: I know about redundancy, Mr. Hunter.

Hunter: All I'm saying...

[Ramsey walks off. Hunter follows him and lowers his voice.]

Hunter: All I'm saying Captain, is that we have backup. Now it's our duty, not to launch until we can confirm.

Capt. Ramsay: You're presuming we have other submarines out there, ready to launch. Well as Captain, I must assume our submarines could've been taken out by other Akulas. We can play these games all night Mr. Hunter, but ah, I don't have the luxury of your presumptions.

Hunter: Sir...

Capt. Ramsey: Mr. Hunter, we have rules that are not open to interpretation, personal intuition, gut feelings, hairs on the back of your neck, little devils or angels sitting on your shoulder. We're all very well aware of what our orders are and what those orders mean. They come down from our Commander in Chief. They contain no ambiguity.

Hunter: Captain...

Capt. Ramsey: Mr. Hunter, I've made a decision. I'm Captain of this boat. NOW SHUT THE FU*K UP!

Capt. Ramsey: Weapons, Con. Shift targeting to target package SLBM64741/2. This is the captain.

Hunter: Captain, I cannot concur.

Capt. Ramsey: Repeat my command.

Hunter: Sir, we don't know what this message means. Our target package could have changed.

Capt. Ramsey: You repeat this order or I'll somebody who will.

Hunter: Hell no you won't, sir.

Capt. Ramsey: You're relieved of your position. COB, remove Mr Hunter from the control room. Get Lieutenant Zimmer in here right now!

Hunter: No, sir. No, sir. No, sir. I do not concur and I do not recognize your authority to relieve me on the command under Navy regulations.

Capt. Ramsey: COB, arrest this man and get him out of here!

Hunter: Captain Ramsey, under operating procedures governing the release of nuclear weapons we cannot launch our missiles unless both you, and I agree.

Capt. Ramsey: [shouting over Hunter] COB, what're you waiting for?

Hunter: Now this is not a formality, sir. This is expressly why your command must be repeated. It requires my assent, I do not give it and furthermore, if you continue upon this course, and insist upon this launch without confirming this message first...

Capt. Ramsey: [shouting over Hunter] Son of a bitch... As commanding officer of the U.S.S Alabama I order you to place the XO under arrest under charges of mutiny.

Hunter: I will be forced, backed by the rules of precedents...

Capt. Ramsey: [shouting at the Chief of the Boat, over Hunter] I say again, as commanding officer of the U.S.S Alabama, I order you...

Hunter: -authority and command, regulation 08150H6 of the Navy regulations, to relieve you of command, Captain.

Capt. Ramsey: -to place the XO under arrest, under charges of mutiny!

[Silence all round]

Capt. Ramsey: COB!

Chief of the Boat: Captain, please, the XO is right. We can't launch unless he concurs.

Capt. Ramsey: [reading EAM] "To the U.S.S. Alabama: Rebel-controlled missiles being fuelled. Launch codes compromised, dissidents threaten to launch at continental United States, set DefCon 2. Immediately launch ten Trident missile sorties." They're FUELING THEIR MISSILES! We don't have time to fu*k around!

Hunter: Sir, I think you need time to think this over.


Hunter: Captain, I relieve you of your command of this ship. COB, escort the Captain to his state room, I'm assuming command.

Capt. Ramsey: You're not assuming anything!

Hunter: CHIEF OF THE BOAT, Captain Ramsey is under arrest — lock him in his stateroom!

Chief of the Boat: Captain, please...

Hunter: Now, COB!

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