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Monday, November 29, 2010

Dark Side Of The Moon

Suddenly she stops, i run a few steps ahead ,until i realize am not holding her hand anymore. I look back and find her staring at something unusual. Her eyes locked onto the darkness. The darkness so intense , so creepy that it could even consume the strongest will.

I run past my fears to bring her back but only to realize that she’s gone. Consumed, physically there but soul waned to infinity. I call her name , shake her , she looks at me; the eyes dont recognize me anymore. She smiles and falls into my arms , unconscious , cold but still breathing.

Boundaries between fantasy and reality turned blurred when they met few months back. It was then when fate pulled them into each other bonding them stronger as days passed by. They were having best of their days that either of the two could have ever dreamt of, until today, when the dark reality sojourns their journey.

I hear her laughter. I run towards the room, excited , just to see her come back. I slam open the door , finding her body still lying on the bed , untouched , unmoved. My hopes shattered, knees trembling , i drop on the floor. A strange feeling chokes the atmosphere around me . I look outside the window , i see an apparition trying to devour the moonlight. The darkness start creeping slowly towards me , i could feel its uncanny presence. I know it is coming to take her away from me. I gather all my strengths and stand in its way , screaming out loud" whoever you are , whatever you are , you have to get past me to get her and it is not easy ". It tries to consume me ,posses me , shatter me , it is strong but not strong enough to budge my will.

I hear the appalling voices inside me fraught with indelible malice. A sudden blow of sanguine jerks my body and I feel the vibes changing .I am sure its my strength fighting back. The tone more cheerful , as I could see the darkness obliterate piercing through the window crushing glass doors into pieces. The shattering sound of glass wakes me up. I find my self at ease in the most beautiful arms. I see her beautiful face in front of my eyes. The sound of my breaths wakes her up, she opens her eyes slowly to make my heart beat harder. The glow in her as if the sea reflecting the early sunlight, brings me back to life . She smiles , i smile back at her and we get lost in eternity , yet again.


Preeti said...

very nice sanket.. i was lost for a few moments after reading this...

priyanka londhe said...

mindblowing! wow sanket..... i dont know the meaning of half the words you wrote, but i loved ti for the rhythm, your prose is like poetry, now i want to read your poetry..