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Monday, December 12, 2011

'Cause its another day for you and me in paradise

Last two days i have been listening to a beautiful song by Phil Collins- Another Day in Paradise. It has become my anthem these days. Songs like these, cant get more melodious if its not Phil Collins or Lionel Ritchie.

She calls out to the man on the street, "Sir, can you help me?
It's cold and I've nowhere to sleep. Is there somewhere you can tell me?"
He walks on, doesn't look back, he pretends he can't hear her
He starts to whistle as he crosses the street, seems embarassed to be there

Oh, think twice, it's just another day for you and me in paradise
Oh, think twice, it's just another day for you, you and me in paradise
Just think about it

She calls out to the man on the street, he can see she's been crying
She's got blisters on the soles of her feet, she can't walk, but she's trying

Oh, just think twice, it's just another day for you and me in paradise
Oh yes, think twice, it's just another day for you, you and me in paradise
Just think about it, uh - huh, just think about it

We have very different perception about things that we listen to and don t get to see. We always try to construct faces based on the words that fill our ears. I had a very different perception about this song before as i never had the opportunity to see the video, until yesterday. My heart filled with despair while i watched it. Never felt such a strong sense of release of emotions.

Sometimes I feel its better that way when we dont have to see anything; just feel it - seeing it blows off the perception, perception that our mind created using other senses. It gives more sensual pleasure that can be much easier to deal with. Its like Felicia Hardy trying to underdstand "How do you deal with the life behind that mask, Spider-man? "

Think about the day when u can hear a kid calling out to you and you cant see that smiling face. Flower that is fascinating to watch when blooms than the fragrance it spreads. Watching the lush green mountains shimmering in rain than feeling it. A rainbow across the river, memories of nights, figments of Days and thought of things pass by..

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