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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Being Nothing !

How hard it is to imagine that can we ever have a laid back life?. U wake up everyday with dreams filled in your eyes , hope running through your veins. You run past all those questions that once stormed your mind and are now a reality.

Right from our childhood days, we see ourselves being compared with someone or the other. When in school it is with your best friend. When at work, with your colleague. This comparison never stops.  Sometime or the other, this thought definitely comes to your mind. Why i am being compared? Why can’t i be just me? I want to be me, even if i am nothing. Ironically u still have a comparison; this time with nothing.

What it takes to be "Nothing"?. Is that someone who has nothing to do ? what is this nothing?

My idea of being nothing is not to have any worries and thoughts about your past or have anything to do with future. Live in today. Take the life as it comes. Have goals but live through the day, so that you can reach those goals tomorrow. It is like sitting in a serene place and meditating. Initially u could feel random thoughts vibrating inside your mind and then suddenly they seem to fade away as you concentrate on the void. You see the difficult feeling trapped inside you, moment by moment, still pushing through . But when you look at it from the void, you realize, you have no one calling from the past or anybody waiting for you. This is being nothing. You open your eyes, and for that evanescent moment, you feel like you have everything.

Once upon a time , greatest of the kings – Sikander was on his conquer spree. After winning half of this world he reaches India , with an intention to win over. His journey is thwarted by a sage sitting in the middle of the path – meditating , oblivious of this world in being. Soldiers break the silence and make him realize the crime that he has committed by interrupting Sikanders journey.  With the most casual expression on his face , he questions the soldier : Who is Sikander? ; Surprised by this , Sikander steps down to introduce himself. “ I am the greatest king ever born , who has now conquered half of this world and your country is next. Who are you and what are you doing here? Its better you get off my path and let me conquer.” The sage asks:” Oh great king , what will you do after you conquer this country?” Sikander says : “I will go ahead and conquer rest of the world”. Sage again: “ after that ?” Sikander: “After that ? .. I will be at peace”. The sage calmly replies: “This is what I am doing right now”.


Preeti said...

my feelings the same :):)

priyanka londhe said...

good one sanky!!!
i envy people who are content and peaceful... :)

Rohit Nayak said...

Excellent Thoughts Baba!
Amazing stuff....